Ακόμα μια ολοκληρωμένη σειρά καλαμιών γενικής χρήσης
από την Pregio αυτή την φορά.Πρόκειται για καλάμια χαμηλού κόστους ...
13,00 €11,70 €
νέο Sonora Surf TE 4.20m είναι
το καινούριο μοντέλο της Shimano.Ένα
νέο καλάμι για την τεχνική του Surfcasting έρχετα...
56,00 €50,40 €
Telescopic rod SHIMANO Alivio Slim TE GTThe new Alivio All Round range of telescoping rods covers a wide range of fresh...
52,00 €46,80 €
Beastmaster FX Surf Tele rods, combine an excellent long range casting action,
with the convenience of a short trans...
150,00 €135,00 €
If you are looking for a reliable rod for Surf Casting , and you are looking for a value for money product the new Alivi...
90,00 €81,00 €
The perfect choice of rod when the
available transport and storage space is limited, or in rock fishing (Rock
Fishing) w...
45,50 €40,95 €
Short and light, the Matrix will be transported with great comfort
everywhere, and will execute any debt efficiently! Wi...
25,00 €22,50 €
SELECT DISTINCT p.id,p.[markaID],p.[retail_store_price],p.[Categories] FROM [products] AS p WHERE (CHARINDEX(',74,', p.categories)>0 OR p.categories='74') | Timer 0: 1 ms | Timer 1: 32 ms | Timer 2: 7 ms | pagerTotal=11 | filtering=False | Timer 3: 3382 ms | catID=74 | kz.count=0 | title DESC | title | Timer 4: 5 ms | SELECT DISTINCT [id] FROM (SELECT Row_Number() OVER ( ORDER BY p.title DESC) AS RowIndex, p.id FROM [products] AS p WHERE p.id IN(2578,12501,12502,12512,12515,14981,16472,16527,16664,16675,16813)) AS Sub WHERE Sub.RowIndex >= 1 AND Sub.RowIndex <= 12;