Ο νέος μηχανισμός AERLEX 10000XSB της SHIMANO διαθέτει:• Heavy duty μηχανισμός για
ψάρεμα surf casting σε ακραίες συνθήκ...
140,00 €126,00 €
The Shimano Beastmaster XB is the renewed version of the Beastmaster XTA/XSA big pit reel.It comes in a very competitive...
110,00 €88,00 €
New mechanism of Shimano Speedmaster 14000XTC ideal for the technique of
Surf Casting, Carp Fishing etc. Elegant and pow...
205,00 €184,50 €
SELECT DISTINCT p.id,p.[markaID],p.[retail_store_price],p.[Categories] FROM [products] AS p WHERE (CHARINDEX(',91,', p.categories)>0 OR p.categories='91') | Timer 0: 1 ms | Timer 1: 26 ms | Timer 2: 3 ms | pagerTotal=7 | filtering=False | Timer 3: 27 ms | catID=91 | kz.count=0 | title DESC | title | Timer 4: 0 ms | SELECT DISTINCT [id] FROM (SELECT Row_Number() OVER ( ORDER BY p.title DESC) AS RowIndex, p.id FROM [products] AS p WHERE p.id IN(2859,7722,7893,9077,14988,16229,18976)) AS Sub WHERE Sub.RowIndex >= 1 AND Sub.RowIndex <= 12;